Hazen Union courts

Availability list

Kathleen S Rita Xin Y Karen K Andy Eric Rhea
Marsha Jocelyne Sharon F Sara B Pat L Susan H Ellen G Brendan Joe Z
Dave M Helen B Deborah A Lynne L Leslie S Laura W Jean D Ila H Gail O David O Jane W Scott A Dede S Becky D Sarah L Maggie W Jim R Mike J John S Rolf Terri S Paul E Rhea A Jessica H Beth S Sue M Cheryl c Sheila Susan H [2] Therese A Jack g Eric H Amy b Robin G Molly P Molly P [2] Linda R Jordan S Michael M Kat M

Comment ...

Kathleen, profile photo

Hope we can get two more players!

Kathleen, profile photo
Kathleen responded in

Looks like we will be rained out this morning! Anyone want to play at 4PM this a

Visiting players can sign up using a link


Player 4 9
0 0
Contact person 0 0
Visitors 3
Total In 7 Out 9
Previous / Next In Out
Practice Fri, May 31 at 03:30 PM 7 1
Practice Sun, Jun 2 at 09:00 AM 4 2
Practice Sun, Jun 9 at 10:00 AM 7 9
Practice Sun, Jun 9 at 04:00 PM 8 2
Practice Thu, Jun 13 at 04:00 PM 4 9

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