
too much rain this morning ;(

Kathleen, profile photo
Kathleen responded out

Rain expected again at 4:00! I’m giving up for today!

Kathleen, profile photo

Hope we can get two more players!

Kathleen, profile photo
Kathleen responded in

Looks like we will be rained out this morning! Anyone want to play at 4PM this a


Hello, I'm thinking of playing today; however, I've just moved back here from AZ where I've wintered and played PB and just joined the Hardwick pickleball group. I would like to know if we are playing outside or in? I would appreciate any guidance as to how things work. Thank you in advance.


It will be outside up at the tennis/pickleball courts at Hazen Union (just above the parking lot). I won't see you today but hopefully in the near future. Welcome back east!

Kathleen, profile photo

Sign up to play this Friday the 26th at 2:00 at the Hazen Union courts